Health IT Analytics: Why UCI Researchers Created a Framework for Analyzing Wearables Data

The framework provides researchers using wearables data in clinical studies with minimum reporting thresholds to ensure data standardization and validity.

Wearables — electronic devices that can be worn as accessories — are gaining steam in healthcare, with Deloitte predicting that 320 million consumer health and wellness wearable devices will ship worldwide in 2022.

These devices enable patients to monitor various health metrics, like daily steps, sleep quality, and heart rate, to help them achieve their health goals.

For providers, wearables offer a whole new category of data that can be used to enhance patient outcomes and care delivery. But collecting, standardizing, and validating the data, which are necessary precursors to data analytics, can be a challenge for many health systems.

To help remedy this problem, a team led by University of California, Irvine researchers developed a framework for standardizing wearables data reporting and validation. They published the framework and details about the development process in the International Journal of Medical Informatics.

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