Undergraduate Students

Academic Forms, Policies, and FAQs 

Unit Limits

All UCI students can enroll and waitlist into a maximum of 18 units until the “18 unit limit lift date.” After this date, all UCI students can enroll/waitlist in up to 20 units. Find the 18 unit limit lift date each quarter on the registrar’s calendar. 

Ex: If you are enrolled into 12 units and waitlisted for a 4 unit course (total of 16) you cannot add or waitlist for another 4 unit course (that would be 20 total) until the 18 unit limit lifts. 

Enrolling in 20.5 or more units requires a cumulative and quarterly GPA of a 3.0 or higher. Permission is required from the PharmSci Student Affairs office and is normally allowed to students who have demonstrated that they can handle the rigorous course load. 

CLICK HERE to request permission from the Student Affairs office. We cannot approve additional units until the 18 unit Limit Lift Date each quarter. Check the Registrar’s Calendar for specific dates when this happens. 

Students who wish to take 10 units or less must apply for Part-Time Study. Housing and financial aid may be impacted with part-time study, and students should consult with those offices prior to applying. 


CLICK HERE to submit requests/changes to your DegreeWorks profile. Examples of requests include adding a community college course to your General Education, updating Language Other Than English, your IGETC Certification, etc. 

DegreeWorks is not always updated with all the course options for the upper-division elective requirement. View our sample program, and any course listed there under ‘Upper Division Electives’ will count.

If you find a science-related upper-division course and want to petition for it to count as an upper-division elective, please email pharmsci@uci.edu with your request and attach the syllabus. Our curriculum committee will review and inform you of the decision. 

Enrollment Deadlines

Each quarter, the add/drop deadline is Friday of Week 2 on WebReg. 

 Note: All Upper-Division BioSci Labs, Bio 100, and Bio D170 have an earlier drop deadline. Check the schedule of classes for the deadline each quarter. 

Students who wish to drop a course after the week 2 deadline must receive approval from an advisor and provide adequate documentation due to extenuating circumstances. Note, if a course is dropped after the 6th week, a “W” (withdrawal) notation will be indicated on the transcript. 

The deadline to change the grading option of a course is Friday of Week 10.  

To change the grading option of a course: 

  • During Weeks 1 & 2: Change grading option on WebReg 
  • During Weeks 3-10: Change grading option by going to Student Access / Applications / Enrollment Exceptions 

ALL courses for the PharmSci major MUST be taken for a letter grade (with the exception of PharmSci 1, PharmSci 172, and Bio 100 [option for letter grade OR P/NP]). Electives and General Education courses may be taken for P/NP. Entry Level Writing must be taken for a letter grade (passing grade is C or better). 

Summer enrollment typically opens first week of March. Enroll via summer.uci.edu

Pass / No Pass Grading Option

PharmSci majors must take all major requirements for a letter grade*. 

*Exceptions: PHRMSCI 1 and PHRMSCI 172 are offered P/NP only. BIOSCI 100 can optionally be taken for a letter grade or for P/NP. 

Entry Level Writing (WR 40 or 45) must be taken for a letter grade (C or better).

GEs and general electives may be taken as P/NP. If you would like to take a GE or elective course as P/NP we encourage you to email pharmsci@uci.edu to discuss this further. Students may count a total of 12 units of courses designated P/NP toward their graduation requirements (180 total units needed to graduate; 168 total graded units needed to graduate). 

Generally, graduate schools require prerequisites to be taken for a letter grade. This often includes courses such as Writing, Anthropology, Sociology, Psychology, and Economics (which we recommend you take for a letter grade). 

Beginning in Fall 2023: If a course is taken for Pass / No Pass, a grade of C- or higher will earn a “Pass.” A grade of D+ or below will earn a “No Pass.” 

Courses taken P/NP do not count towards your GPA. Courses taken P/NP do count towards your units. 

A grade of C- or higher is needed in CHEM to move forward in the next sequence; a grade of D- or higher is needed in BIOSCI, PHYSICS, and MATH to move forward in the next sequence. 

WebReg: Course Restrictions & Policies  

Many general education and/or elective courses have restrictions for a period of time. First, click on the blue Prerequisite link for the course – see if one of the prerequisites is that you must be a certain major. Second, look under the “Rstr” column for the course – if you see the letters L or N it means the course is initially restricted to certain majors. 

Check the GRAY BOX at the top of the Schedule of Classes from each department. Read the entire text to find when the major restriction for that department will lift. For example, if you’re looking at Econ 20A, you will find when restrictions lift for the School of Social Sciences. 

Making changes like this on WebReg can be risky. Other students may be adding/dropping discussions at the same time as you and may take your spot, you may have an error message with WebReg if there’s an issue with prerequisites, and the order you add lectures and discussions may mess up your enrollment.  

Check the co-reqs and pre-reqs on the Schedule or Classes. You generally need to enroll in this order:  

(1) Lecture Course (such as Chem 51B) 

(2) Lab Course (such as Chem 51LB)

Many departments have repeat restrictions. Please see the department’s gray box at the top in the schedule of classes. Students can only repeat a course if the grade is C- or below, or a NP. Grades of C or higher (or a Pass) cannot be repeated.  

1. Waitlist for a lecture and a discussion (if course is open for waitlist). 

2. Wait until grades are posted. Students who do not pass will be dropped after grades are released, then spots will open up. 

3. If you cannot enroll by the week prior to Week 1, please email pharmsci@uci.edu 

WebReg does not recognize community college prerequisites. Counselors must authorize students into these courses. If you took a pre-req at a comm college and want to enroll into a subsequent course at UCI, please contact the appropriate department. 

Example: You took Math 2A equivalent at a community college and want to enroll into Math 2B and Physics 3A at UCI – you would request approval from a Physical Sciences Advisor. 

If the class you want to enroll into is a….. 

Note: Students who take courses at community colleges over summer will not be able to register for the next course in the series until official transcripts are evaluated by the Registrar’s office. 

You can view BioSci’s enrollment updates HERE and view BioSci’s planned Course Offerings HERE

You can view Chemistry’s enrollment info and policies HERE and their Student Affairs FAQs HERE. 

Additional Policies

You may only repeat a course if your most recent grade was C- or below, or a NP. 

For the first 16 units that you repeat, the new grade replaces the old grade in terms of your GPA. All grades (old and new) are always permanently recorded on your transcript. After 16 units of repeat, the new and old grade will average in terms of your GPA. Please refer to the UCI General Catalogue for more information. 

Check the gray box in the Schedule of Classes for repeat restrictions each quarter. 

PharmSci majors can pursue any minor offered at UCI, except for BioSci. Explore minors and requirements at catalogue.uci.edu.  Email pharmsci@uci.edu to have any minor added to your DegreeWorks to help you view course requirements. To officially earn a minor, you must list it on your application for graduation and obtain a minimum GPA average of a least a C (2.0) in all courses for the minor. Minors are listed on a student’s transcript but not on the baccalaureate diploma. No more than 2 courses applied to a minor may be taken P/NP. Generally, no more than 2 courses may overlap between your major and minor. 

Having a minor on your DegreeWorks does not grant you priority registration into courses. However, the School of Business offers priority registration to their minors by applying here. Applying is not needed to pursue the minor.

PharmSci majors can pursue any double major offered at UCI, with the exception of Nursing Science, Public Health Sciences, Biomedical Engineering: Premedical, or with any of the School of Biological Sciences majors. If you double major, you must be able to complete BOTH degree in 4 years. Students may apply for an additional major by meeting change of major requirements and applying on Student Access. 

For double majors in Chemistry, Chem 132 will count for PharmSci 171. We encourage you to petition upper-division Chemistry courses to count for your 8 units of Upper-Division electives for PharmSci (if courses are not already on our sample program). 

Students may transfer up to 70 semester or 105 quarter units total for lower-division coursework completed at any institution or combination of institutions. Beyond this unit maximum, credit for coursework will be granted and used to satisfy requirements. Review the catalogue for additional information. 

The lower division major requirement courses can be taken at California Community Colleges and must articulate with the ASSIST.org agreements. PharmSci Students must receive a grade of “B-” or higher to count towards the major requirements. 

If you would like to petition a course taken at another institution to count towards a PharmSci requirement, please email the syllabus to: pharmsci@uci.edu 

Keep in mind, students who are taking courses at community colleges over summer will not be able to register for the next course in the series until official transcripts are evaluated by the Registrar’s office. 

Review the catalogue for AP and IB credit granted at UCI. 

Students cannot earn units or grade credits at UCI from courses that have already been satisfied by AP/IB credit. Students that enroll in courses at UCI that have already been exempt by AP/IB credit will have those courses specially coded on their transcript without unit or grade credit. 

For more information regarding academic policies, please refer to the Academic Regulations and Procedures on the UCI General Catalogue

Academic Notice Policies

Students are subject to Academic Notice for any of the following reasons: 

  1. Having below a 2.0 quarterly GPA 
  2. Having below a 2.0 cumulative (overall) GPA 
  3. Not passing a major required course: 
  4. Earning D+ and below in Chemistry Courses (C- and above are ok) 
  5. Earning F in BioSci, Math, and Physics courses (D- and above are ok) 

Students will be notified of their status on Academic Notice via email by the 1st week of each quarter and asked to schedule an appointment with their academic counselor. 

  • 1st Year Students on Academic Notice are provided the option to repeat courses during the academic year and summer sessions. Students must be back on track with major requirements prior to Fall of Year 2.  
  • 2nd Year Students who do not pass Chem 51A or 1LD, or Chem 51B or 51LB are required to change their major out of PharmSci. 
  • 2nd Year Students who do not pass Chem 51C or 51LC must repeat the course over summer. 
  • 3rd Year Students who do not pass major requirements must repeat the course(s) as soon as possible. 
  • 4th Year Students who do not pass major requirements must repeat the course(s) as soon as possible. This looks like being granted an exception to remain at UCI for additional quarters as needed to repeat, or repeating courses through UCI Continuing Education. 

Students do have the option to change their major if they are not willing to agree to the Academic Notice retake plan.

A student whose grade point average falls below a 1.5 for any quarter, or who after two consecutive quarters on probation has not achieved a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or a satisfactory rate of progress, is subject to disqualification. PharmSci students subject to disqualification will meet with the Student Affairs Office to discuss consequences. 

Change of Major Requirements

Students must meet change of major requirements listed HERE. For first year students, we recommend changing into Undergraduate / Undeclared as a preliminary step to eventually change into your desired major (Student Access / Applications on the left column / Change of Major / Drop PharmSci and Add Undeclared Unaffiliated, the VERY last option on the drop down menu). 

For 2-3-4 Year Students: If you are unable to change into your desired major without stopping enrollment into the PharmSci requirements, please email your academic counselor to discuss possible options. 

Current UCI students who wish to change their major into Pharmaceutical Sciences must meet change of major requirements listed here.  

Please note that change of majors should be on track to graduate within 4 years (or 3 years for transfer students). For questions, email pharmsci@uci.edu. 

Current students wishing to change into Pharmaceutical Sciences should: 

  1. Review Change of Major Requirements 
  2. Review our 4 Year Plan 
  3. Submit a Change of Major Application 
  4. Student Access > Applications on the left column > Change of Major 
  5. Look for an email for next steps on setting up a Change of Major Workshop