
Brandon Saint-Milfort In the Media Headshot
UCI News, May 22, 2023

#IamUCI – Brandon Saint-Milfort

"After graduation, I will be taking a gap year and preparing to apply to medical schools in the 2024 application cycle. I plan on spending the gap year working, doing some community volunteering and preparing for applications." (Brandon Saint-Milfort)
Sakhi Patel In the Media Headshot
UCI News, September 25, 0223

A symbol of shared success

"Getting my white coat is something I have looked forward to for a very long time. It signifies how the struggles of my family have come to fruition. They came to the United States from India in the ’90s with hopes that the children would be able to pursue higher education here. The white coat shows that I am on my way to being able to serve my community in ways that I have been preparing for throughout my educational career." (Sakhi Patel)