Information for Incoming Student Pharmacists 


Student Health Insurance and Immunization Requirements

All registered student pharmacists in UC Irvine School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences (SPPS) are required to have health insurance. Each UCI student is automatically enrolled in the Graduate UC Student Health Insurance Plan (GSHIP), unless they can show proof of comparable coverage from another source and submit a waiver.

  • Enroll in UC GSHIP: If you want to be enrolled in UC GSHIP, you are automatically enrolled.
    • UC SHIP Plan Benefits
    • UC SHIP Costs and Dates of Coverage
    • Fees for UC GSHIP insurance coverage are charged to your student ZOT account each term and will be included with your registration fees.
    • UC SHIP coverage for incoming students is effective seven (7) days prior to the start of the student’s academic term. For students entering UCI in Fall quarter 2024, the effective date of GSHIP coverage is 9-16-2024.
  • Waive UC SHIP: If you have comparable insurance and do not want to be enrolled in UC SHIP, you must apply online for a UC SHIP waiver within the posted waiver periods and by the deadline date.
  • Check the waiver period and late waiver period on the UC SHIP website

The services at the Student Health Clinic (SHC) are available to all students even if you waive UC SHIP. Students with insurance coverage other than SHIP typically pay lower fees for most services as compared with community rates (see Fees for Common Services).

Important SHC Policies for New Students to Read, Understand and Acknowledge

In addition to the above referenced admission health and health insurance requirements, new students, prior to their initial appointment at the Student Health Center (SHC), must acknowledge that they have read and understand other SHC policies:

You may acknowledge these policies at the time of appointment self check-in at SHC or on the Wellness, Health & Counseling Services secure Student Health Patient Portal

Immunization Requirements

The UCI School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences requires all incoming student pharmacists to obtain or show proof of the following Immunizations and Tuberculosis (TB) Screening.

Each year you will need to have a current PPD or IGRA to prove your TB status. Your TB test should be dated on or after July 1, 2024. If you do not waive out of the student health insurance plan (GSHIP), your costs will be covered for required immunizations and titers performed during GSHIP coverage dates.

Compliance with any immunization requirement is not fulfilled unless and until the student uploads their records to the Student Health Patient Portal and they are verified. For step-by-step instructions on how to upload your COVID-19 and other immunization records; enter your vaccine dates; and complete the TB Risk Screening Form on the portal, click here >>> Student Vaccination Upload Instructions.

Student pharmacists who fail to submit this documentation will be placed on an academic hold by the Student Health Center (SHC) and cannot register for courses for the following quarter.