Serena Wu Spent Summer as National Institutes of Health (NIH) Research Trainee Through Undergraduate Scholarship Program (UGSP)

Serena Wu, a June 2024 BS in Pharmaceutical Sciences graduate, has spent the last few months as a National Institutes of Health (NIH) Undergraduate Scholarship Program (UGSP) participant, which gave her the opportunity to work as an NIH research trainee for the summer.

Along with only 14 other students from around the country, Wu was selected for the program in 2023. It provided her with a scholarship for the academic year, in addition to a position in the lab of Dr. Nathan Basisty at the National Institute on Aging (NIA). In the program, she learned invaluable research skills and connected with her peer trainees.

“This program granted me a level of independence in managing my research project, which was a new and enriching experience for me,” Wu shared. “My day typically started with carrying out the experiments I had planned. Once an experiment was completed, I would analyze the results, organize them into a presentation, and then send this to my supervisor for further discussion. Besides lab work, my schedule included meetings where I would present my project or listen to others present their research. Beyond the science, NIH hosted fun social events, such as ice cream socials and networking lunches!”

In addition to the opportunity to pursue research, the NIH program offered participants education and career advising, including guidance on applying to graduate programs and resume reviews. Wu spoke with postdoctoral researchers who shared advice and insight on their own educational and professional experiences and participated in NIH workshops.

“I had access to career exploration sessions on fields such as genetic counseling and patent examination and skill-building sessions (for example, an introduction to data analysis), which broadened my understanding of potential career paths,” she said. “My time at NIH confirmed that this is the path I wish to pursue in graduate school and my future career.”