Shawn Griffin Receives 2023 HOPA Early Career Research Grant

Shawn Griffin Headshot

Shawn Griffin, health sciences assistant clinical professor, at the UC Irvine School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, has received a 2023 Hematology/Oncology Pharmacy Association Early Career Research Grant.

HOPA Early-Career Research Grants are awarded to promising investigators early in their career to encourage and promote quality, basic, and pre-clinical translational research.

The grant will fund a correlative pharmacokinetic study to the ADAPT trial (principal investigator Stefan Ciurea from the UCI School of Medicine) that is about to open at the UCI Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center for patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.

The study seeks to improve treatment outcomes in patients receiving melphalan, a type of chemotherapy, by evaluating a new dosing strategy. This would allow for individualized doses to be given to each patient based on their unique characteristics while maximizing efficacy and minimizing toxicity.

“The results of this research will optimize patient care by ensuring patients receive the best dose of chemotherapy,” says Griffin. “I am grateful for HOPA’s commitment to supporting oncology pharmacists and excited to partner with them on this endeavor.”