Clinical Pharmacy Practice Faculty Attend 2022 ACCP Global Conference on Clinical Pharmacy

A team of DCPP faculty and students from UCI School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences attended the 2022 ACCP Global Conference on Clinical Pharmacy in San Francisco on October 14-18, 2022. This was the first in-person fall meeting organized by the American College of Clinical Pharmacy since 2019.

A few major achievements accomplished by DCPP faculty members include the following:

  1. Keri Hurley-Kim, Aryana Sepassi, Joyce Lee, and Sarah McBane’s collaborative research in B12 deficiency and metformin used was ranked as one of the top 4 posters at the meeting.
  2. Shawn Griffin was awarded the “Emerging Oncology Pharmacist of the year award” by the Heme/Onc PRN group.
  3. Quinton Ng, our PhD student, was awarded a travel award by the Education and Training PRN group.
  4. Cheryl Wisseh gave an oral podium presentation entitled “Successful Models of Medication Optimization Services for Medically Underserved and Socially Disadvantaged Populations.”
  5. Christine Cadiz, Joyce Lee, Sarah McBane, and Alex Chan were appointed to serve on numerous task forces and committees for ACCP.
  6. Faculty recruitment efforts were led by Lee Nguyen, Christine Cadiz, Keri Hurley-Kim, and Alex Chan at the ACCP professional placement forum.
  7. As a team, we presented nine posters at the global meeting. In particular, our P2 students Ivann Agapito and Jenny Nguyen presented their research which was supervised by Alex Chan and Joyce Lee. To view the posters presented at the meeting, click here.