Meet Busola Oladeru, a Class of 2021 graduate who earned a BS in Pharmaceutical Sciences. She is one of 119 graduates from the UCI School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences!
Q: What originally attracted you to pharmaceutical sciences?
I have been interested in pharmacy ever since I took chemistry in high school. I’ve always wanted a career that incorporated my knowledge of science and my desire to improve the health of others. I wanted to further my education in order to learn more about the field of pharmacy and the different career choices available to me.
Q: How did you come to the decision to pursue your degree at UCI?
Prior to transferring to UCI, I worked as a pharmacy technician. During this time I began to learn more about pharmacy and researched the best undergraduate schools for pre-pharmacy. I decided to pursue obtaining my bachelor’s at UC Irvine because our department is well known for being the best school to prepare students for pharmacy school.
Q: How has your UCI experience prepared you for the next chapter in your life?
Taking classes at UCI opened my eyes to the various career options that one can specialize in with a PharmD. The Pre-Pharmacy Society introduced students interested in pharmacy to multiple careers and opportunities one can have as a licensed pharmacist. My time at UCI not only made me more knowledgeable but also more compassionate and confident in my goal of becoming a pharmacist.
Q: Can you tell us about your post-graduation plans?
After graduation, I will be entering UCI’s inaugural PharmD class. I am very excited to be a part of this historical journey!
Q: Do you have any advice for future students entering the BS in Pharmaceutical Sciences program?
As someone who transferred to UCI, I highly recommend being involved in and out of classes. It is never too late to join a group or start a project. The professors are amazing and want to see us succeed. Ask questions! If you’re interested in research—even if you are unsure—contact a professor, ask questions, and visit their office hours. Join a club! I understand college can get really busy. If you can dedicate time to at least one club that you are really interested in, you won’t regret it. Introduce yourself and become acquainted with your fellow classmates. This program fosters amazing students that work together throughout the entire undergraduate journey; it’s like a big family!