Spotlight on Samantha Beasley, PhD Candidate in Pharmaceutical Sciences

Samantha BeasleySpotlight on Samantha Beasley

PhD Candidate in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Spitale Lab

Tell us about the research you are currently working on.

My research project is to develop a novel tool for specifically labeling the transcriptome of a tumor in a mouse model. This will allow for in vivo monitoring of gene expression patterns of the tumor. With that, I’ve synthesized two probes, working on a third, and have begun preliminary cell testing with promising results.

Tell us your proudest accomplishment.

My proudest accomplishment was upon synthesizing my bioorthogonal nucleoside probe, followed by testing it in cells and getting a positive result. It’s always nice to have something you make, do exactly what you want it to. Even more so, science isn’t always that lucky, so it was a relief to have something go right for once.

What do you enjoy most about your work?

I enjoy the chemistry side of my project, it’s fun to come up with a synthetic scheme and actually make a compound. It’s also a plus to do the biological testing of my compounds. It allows me to see my work through from start to finish.

Is there anything else you’d like to share?

It took a lot of time and effort to reach this point of my project, and I wouldn’t have reached this stage without my outstanding supporters.