Self-Care Friday:

Steinhaus Hall 231, Steinhaus Hall 231, Irvine, CA, 92697, United States

This week’s Self-Care Friday is tutoring themed is being co-sponsored by Peers Under PharmSci (PUPS). Join us for a free muffin bar and pet Cheddar the Corgi
About PUPS
Our Mission
PUPS stands for Peers Under Pharm Sci. Our ultimate goal is to help you achieve your goals by maximizing your potential.
Our mentors will serve as your emotional support buddies. Stress is one of the biggest enemies in a college student’s life. It can be caused by financial problems, fear of failing, and/or self-esteem issues. Therefore, it is our goal to attack the source of your stress in order to make you feel included and supported so that you can better achieve your goals.
Our academic committee has gathered the best tutors to help you succeed in your courses such as organic chemistry, biological sciences, and physics. Our tutors are selected based on their academic performance and on their strong commitment to the club’s goals. They are expected to be able to clearly explain concepts, assist with homework assignments, and provide exam preparations.